Tuesday 2 October 2012

How a Root Canal Affects Your Overall Health

How a Root Canal Affects Your Overall Health

This is not an easy subject to deal with. Also where is the tooth, front of the mouth or the back of the mouth? I had root canal on two front teeth at different times. The first one was when I was in my 20's.
I knew nothing of the dangers. I had one done this year after delaying it. The dentist told me I would need the tooth removed if I didn't have RC . He knew how I felt about the treatment. He said that it is not true. I know darn well it is true.

It is up to you what choice you make, however do see a natural therapist to find out what they can give you to prevent bacteria invading your body. I would say, start with the preventative treatment first and take guidance from your natural therapist when to get the root canal done, if at all.

Naturopaths can help repair teeth, depending on the condition they are in, it does take a while though.
There are also  holistic dentists, look on line for one in your area. Unfortunately we do not have one in Canberra. By the way Olive leaf extract is a very good anti viral, anti bacterial & anti fungal treatment. Please google the amazing benefits of  this natural wonder drug. I have a link on my blog about OLE.